Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Disappeared, But Alive.

found via anime is life

Don’t think of me as suicidal or anything. I may be overly pessimistic and all, but that does not mean that I literally want my existence to disappear into the thin air. I am a coward, remember. I don’t have all the courage one needs to eventually be my own reaper, to take away my own life. No, I am a Muslim. It is a major sin to take our own life. Life may be all shit and stuffs, but that does not mean death is a solution. Keep all the hopes high, even if it is impossible.

In case someone thought I died, I am just here to prove that I am not anywhere near being a walking dead. No, I have zero intention in becoming a zombie, what so ever. I would appreciate the offer, but I am gladly turning it down because putting aside how shitty real life could be, I absolutely cherish my chance to stay alive as long as I could. This is not the part where I admit that I am finally allowing my self to be a little optimistic about this and all, but I am just saying that being away for months does not anywhere mean I am permanently gone.

If one is wondering whether there have been any exciting things going on with my life—as for example, like being in a serious romantic relationship, or finally owning a small sedan to my self, or perhaps graduating with excellent achievement and all those sorts—you are basically wrong. I have not achieved any of that yet. But keep the hopes high, it may happen, eventually. Let us all have our fingers crossed.

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